Today is 14 days since Texas Bankruptcy court dismissed @NRA case and the last day to appeal it. Here’s a stipulation doing some housekeeping on bar dates related to a possible appeal. I say 50-50 they appeal to the District Court. @Maddow @lawrence

Link to the Order Granting NY AG’s Motion to Dismiss the @NRA Texas Bankruptcy.

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="; type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of <span class="uppercase"><span class="has-inline-color has-vivid-cyan-blue-color">20210511-740-order-granting-motion-to-dismiss</span>20210511-740-order-granting-motion-to-dismissDownload

1. Keeping an eye on Elliott Broidy. Convicted criminal associate Nickie Lum Davis is traveling from LA to DC grand jury. April 13, 2021, DC US Attorney moved to dismiss Broidy’s criminal case as moot after Trump pardon. The language used says to me that the pardon is limited to the conspiracy charge. Here are key documents from Broidy case.